If you are looking for a way to add an important link to the Canvas course menu, the Redirect Tool is the app to use. The text for the link is decided by you, and the link can be external or a Canvas page, resource or activity. The link can open in Canvas or in a new tab. The Redirect Tool app already exists in all UMN Canvas sites, and you can configure multiple apps.
Adding the Redirect Tool
- Select Settings on the course menu.
- Select the Apps tab.
- On the Apps page click the Redirect Tool icon. (Large blue curved arrow.)
- On the External Tools > Redirect Tool page click +Add App.
- Complete the information in the Add App window.
- Title to show in the Course Menu.
- The internal or external URL.
- Whether the link should open in Canvas or a new tab.
- Select Show in course navigation.
- Click Add App.
- Return to the site Homepage > Course Menu and select the (titled) Redirect Tool to confirm the link is going to the correct source.
Sources configured to open in a new window will present the user with a blank Canvas page and an Open in New Tab button.
Positioning the Redirect Tool in the Course Menu
- Select Settings on the course menu.
- Select the Navigation tab.
- Click, hold, and drag to a location in the course menu order.
- Click Save.
Note: If you need to edit the Redirect Tool, email [email protected].