
Health Sciences Technology (HST) offers FileMaker services to any University of Minnesota Health Sciences unit to better align and maintain FileMaker databases, updates, compliance, and security.


The HST's FileMaker services include:

  • Hosting server (operating system, storage, maintenance)
  • FileMaker server software (multi-user access to database)
  • Daily server and database backups
  • Client Software (FileMaker Pro, FileMaker Go, and/or FileMaker WebDirect)
  • Upgrades to the latest version (included in cost)
  • Vendor support and maintenance
  • Security and compliance

Getting Started

This service allows the HST to provide a license pool and share concurrent connections with multiple departments. It allows each department to save money by only purchasing the number of concurrent connections used on a daily basis with some flexibility. This method will reduce the over all number of licenses that HST and each individual department needs to purchase.

This service allows for departments to keep their databases and clients updated and satisfy the security and compliance requirements.

HST requires that a VPN client be connected to all FileMaker Pro sessions as there is no way to distinguish valid connections from the FileMaker Server application. This provides security to the potential private or highly restricted data in different departmental databases.

There is no option to opt-out of this service.

Email HST FileMaker Service Support to get started or if you have questions.