Drupal Lite: Add a YouTube Custom Block to a Page

This article applies to Drupal Lite.

A YouTube video can be added to a page using a custom block. The embedded video will be the width of the region it is in and the height will scale appropriately.

Embedding a YouTube Video

Find the YouTube video share link

  1. View the video on YouTube
  2. Select the Share button in the toolbar just below the video
  3. Select the Copy button next to the URL
    • If you want the video to start at a certain timecode, select the Start At box and enter the time where the video should start playing.

Add the YouTube video to the Media Files

  1. Select Content in the administrative toolbar.
  2. Select the Media tab.
  3. Select the Add Media button.
  4. Select Remote Video.
  5. Enter a Name
  6. Paste the YouTube URL that was copied in the instructions above
  7. Select Save.

The video can be embedded into a field that has the wsiwyg toolbar, or it can be added using a Custom Block.

Add the YouTube Remote Video using the Insert Media button using an existing field

  1. Locate the page and select Edit.
  2. Select the Insert Media button in the toolbar.
    the wisiwyg toolbar is displayed and the Insert Media button is highlighted.
  3. Select Remote Video in the left navigation tabs.
  4. Select the video that was added using the instructions above.
  5. Select the Insert Checked button.

Add the YouTube Remote Video using a Custom Block

  1. Log in to the site
  2. Find the page to add the video
  3. Select Layout
  4. Select Add Block in the region where the video will be placed. The Choose a Block palette is displayed.
  5. Select Create Content Block at the top of the palette. The Add a New Custom Block palette is displayed.
  6. Select Text. The Configure Block palette is displayed.
  7. Enter a Title
    • Deselect the Display Title checkbox if you do not want the title displayed.
  8. Use the instructions above to add the Remove Video.
  9. Select Add Block. The palette closes and the Layout Builder is displayed.
  10. Select Save Layout at the top of the page.

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