Join us for Google Days 2024!
The Office of Information Technology invites you to join us for two half-days of presentations, discussions, and hands-on learning opportunities to help the UMN community make better use of the Google Workspace suite of tools, held entirely online via Zoom.
RSVP to receive a link to join the event.
Topics will include:
Understand the Who, What, When, Where, and /Why related to UMN changes to UMN email and Google Workspace
The New Google Assignments LTI 1.3 in Canvas
Using Google Sites to Organize and Communicate Student Onboarding Information and Tasks
Select the Best Digital Storage Service for Your Needs
Learn about Risks and Vulnerability From adding 'Free' tools to UMN Google Accounts
When Should I Delete? Data Retention and Records Management
Departmental Google Drive Cleanup
Cultivate Inclusion: Make your Google files Accessible to People with Disabilities
File Naming Conventions and Folder Structure
Data Management Workflows
The Art of the Agenda: Streamline Meetings with Google Workspace Tools
Learn Key Impactful Differences between Google My Drive vs Shared Drive
Data Management and Analytics in Looker Studio
Implementing Inbox Zero with Gmail
And More!