Digital Content: Draft an Announcement for Brief

Subject matter experts (SMEs) can draft communications for the Brief newsletter using a template and content guidelines.

Drafting a Brief Communication 

  1. Access the Brief submission template and select Make a copy.
  2. Use the content guidelines and samples below to write the Brief announcement.

Content submissions to Brief should be 70 words or less. Follow these guidelines to fill in the template and ensure you communicate key messages effectively.

  • Describe the most important part of the launch, change, or retirement.
  • Provide a call to action, if there is one.
  • Identify who it will impact. How impactful will it be?
  • Provide a reference for more information.
  • Read the full submission guidelines for more details.

Reviewing Brief Samples

To read examples from other units, visit the Brief archive.

Finishing Drafting

After the content draft is complete, the SME should communicate with the Digital Content Communicators (DCC) Lead that it is ready for content editing.

The DCC Lead should add the draft content information to the most current IT@UMN Editorial Calendar.

Submitting a Brief Communication

Once the draft has been content edited and proofread, the DCC Lead can submit it to the Brief editor by Friday at noon a week before the desired send date.

Refer to Submit to Brief for submission guidelines and steps.

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