Digital Content: Complete the Content Edit

Content editing is the second step in the content drafting and editing process. In this step, the content editor, who is typically the DCC Lead or other DCC team member, will review the content to ensure that it is well-organized and clear.

Reviewing Content Editing Criteria

Use Suggesting and Comment to make suggestions for revision to ensure the content meets the following criteria:

Finishing Content Editing

Once the content editor has completed their edit, they should communicate with the SME that their revisions are ready for approval.

  1. The SME should accept all edits that enhance the quality of the content and only reject edits if they significantly change the meaning of the text in a way that no longer connects with the technology or goal of the content. Content editing may include back and forth between the SME and the content editor as they determine which edits should be kept or rejected.
  2. When all edits are resolved, the SME should communicate with the DCC Lead, who will coordinate within the DCC team to initiate proofreading.

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