Digital Content: Add Dates to Digital Content Plan

Sending a communication at the right time ensures that more people in your audience will open it.

Adding Dates to the Digital Content Plan

Each communication should be sent once on a specific date. Add the date you plan to send a communication in the Date column of your digital content plan.

Access the applicable digital content plan template:

When adding dates for communications, keep in mind that different audiences check their emails or MyU news at different times

  • Example: Students typically don't read non-important emails during final exams, and University staff don't open MyU during University-wide holidays.

Refer to the following best practices for timing and calendars to ensure you schedule communications on days when they will have the most impact for your audiences.

Timing Best Practices

Reviewing General Timing Best Practices

  • Do not send emails on Friday afternoons, weekends, or after 8 p.m. if possible.

Reviewing the University Academic Calendar

  • Do not send or publish during final exams, graduation days, or on days when the University is closed.

Checking Holidays and Observances

Reviewing the IT@UMN Editorial Calendar

  • Do not send on days when other communications are being sent to the same audience.

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