Digital Content: Draft an Awareness, Action Required, or Microlearning Email

Use email templates and content guidelines to create emails that spread awareness, inform impacted groups of required actions, and educate audiences through microlearnings.

Using the Email Template

  1. Access the email template and select Make a copy.
  2. Use the content guidelines and samples below to write your email.

Following Email Content Guidelines

The email should inform your audience about a technology or service launch, change, or retirement.

Writing an Effective Email

  • Describe what is happening.
    • Describe why it is important, why it is happening, and why it is happening now.
  • Describe the benefit to the user and/or to the University.
  • Identify who it will impact. How much impact will it have?
  • Provide a timeline for when the change is happening, and be as specific as possible.
  • Provide a reference for where to find more information.
  • Provide contact information for people to ask questions.
  • Provide Technology Help information.
  • Note regarding salutations: We recommend against using first names in salutations (Ex: Dear name) due to inconsistencies in how the data is pulled
    • We can't guarantee the name associated with a user is their preferred name.
    • Moving away from using first names has not proven to be an issue for previous sends.

Additional Guidelines for Action-Required Emails

  • Include a clear and prominent call-to-action statement.
    • Who needs to engage? How can people engage? 

Additional Guidelines for Microlearning Emails

  • Microlearning emails are often sent to specific audiences. Jargon and technical terms may be used in these emails with explanation.
  • Share information about how a technology or service works. If possible, explain the value to the customer and how it relates to their work.

Reviewing Email Samples

Email samples provide context for messages other people in OIT have sent to their audiences.

General Awareness Email Samples

Action-Required Email Samples

Microlearning Email Samples

Finishing Drafting

After the content draft is complete, the SME should communicate with the DCC Lead that it is ready for content editing. The DCC Lead should add the draft content information to the most current IT@UMN Editorial Calendar.

Sending an Email

Once the draft has been content edited and proofread, the DCC Lead can send an email using Salesforce Marketing Cloud. The DCC Lead will require an email list from the SME to send the email.

Refer to Send Using Salesforce Marketing Cloud for steps to create, test, and send an email.

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