Jadu Central: Overview of Page Elements

An overview of the page elements (fields) available to form builders to use in their forms.

Element Description When to use
Checkbox(es) A group of one or more checkboxes. Checkboxes are useful when you need to let the customer select one or more options.
Date A text field that is specifically for collecting dates, including a date picker for enhanced usability. When you need the customer to provide a date.
Display Area A Display Area is a non-editable text area. A Display area is used when you want to display a larger set of text. 
Display Field A Display field is non-editable text field. A Display field is used when you want to display text.
Dropdown A dropdown box containing different options. When you need the customer to choose a single option from a list.
Event Booking 
(Do Not Use)*
Not available. *UMN does not use this element at this time.
File upload A question that allows the uploading of one or more files. File upload questions are useful when you need the customer to upload a document or photo to attach to the form. File Upload Considerations.
Hidden field A hidden field containing a set value. Hidden fields are most useful when combined with prefills. They are a good way of storing values injected into the form via parameter injection.
Integrated An Integrated Component brings data into your form from an external source. The UMN will provide integrated components customized to our environment. Integrated components should be used for collecting customer answers based on data pulled in from an external system.
(Do Not Use)*
Not available. *UMN does not use this element at this time.
Matrix A table of x rows by y columns, where each cell contains a text field. When you need the customer to provide lots of similar information in a number of categories.
Radio buttons A group of one or more radio buttons, where only one can be checked. When you need the customer to choose a single option from a small list of possibilities.
Repeatable Questions A repeatable question is, like a page section, a container for more questions; however, repeatable questions allow customers to answer the fields inside them multiple times. When you need the customer to provide multiple answers to question(s).
Section A page section is a container for more questions. Page sections are used to add questions under a subheading (giving questions more context) or to show and hide questions based on a condition.
Text area A simple text area, labelled with some configurable text. A text area should be used when you expect an answer of more than a few words from the customer.
Text block A simple piece of static content, with no customer interaction required. When you want to add some additional instructions above a question in a page, but page instructions are not suitable.
Text field A simple text box. A text field is great for capturing a few words of input from a customer.
WorkView Dataset 
(Do Not Use)*
Not available. *UMN does not use this element at this time. 

WorkView Filter Results

(Do Not Use)*

Not available.  *UMN does not use this element at this time. 





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