Jadu Central: Integrated Components - SR - College/Major Lookup (PS)

SR - College/Major Lookup (PS)

Description: Allows a user to first select a college from a list. Once the college is selected, another dropdown will appear with a list of majors that are in that college. The user will then select a major from this list.

Source System: Peoplesoft

Fields On Form:

  • College (Dropdown List)
  • Major (Dropdown List)


  • College ID
  • College Name
  • Major ID

Setup Prerequisites:

  • Setup Source of Campus ID - This input will determine which colleges and majors appear in the dropdowns based on the campus. This input must map to another field that exists on the form. There are three options:
    • Integrated Component - Add an integrated component, that outputs the campus ID, to the form on a previous page. (It can't be on the same page as this integrated component.)
    • Logic (Predefined) - Add a predefined logic that outputs the campus ID to the form.
    • Logic (Literal) - Add a literal logic and manually enter the campus ID.
      • The campus id needs to be a valid PeopleSoft campus ID. Example: UMNTC
  • Setup Source of Career ID -This input will determine which colleges and majors appear in the dropdowns based on the career. This input must map to another field that exists on the form. There are three options:
    • Integrated Component - Add an integrated component, that outputs the career ID, to the form on a previous page. (It can't be on the same page as this integrated component.)
    • Logic (Predefined) - Add a predefined logic that outputs the career ID to the form.
  • Setup Source of Term ID - This input will determine which instructors appear in the dropdown based on the term. This input must map to another field that exists on the form. There are three options:
    • Integrated Component - Add an integrated component, that outputs the term ID, to the form on a previous page. (It can't be on the same page as this integrated component.)
    • Logic (Predefined) - Add a predefined logic that outputs the term ID to the form.
    • Logic (Literal) - Add a literal logic and manually enter the term ID.
      • The term id needs to be a valid PeopleSoft term ID. Example: 1185

Setup Instructions:

After adding this component to a form, the following input will need to be set on the Form Structure page. Refer to the Integrated Components Input article for additional details on setting inputs.

  • Campus ID - Select the Campus ID source that was set up in the prerequisite.
  • Career ID - Select the Career ID source that was set up in the prerequisite.
  • Term ID - Select the Term ID source that was set up in the prerequisite.

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