Practical / Performance Assessments

Identify Instructional Needs

If your students are performing a practical or applied assessment, use your instructional goals to help identify an appropriate solution. For examples, see CEI's curated resources for performance, clinical and laboratory courses.

Use Zoom or Video Recording

If a committee must interact with the student in real-time, schedule a Zoom meeting. If the performance can be recorded, create a Canvas assignment and allow students to upload a video file or share a link to a streaming video.

NOTE - These options require a device with a camera and microphone and high-speed internet access. Work with your students to determine who cannot meet those requirements. A good tool to use is a student Technology Check-In. (This google form allows you to make a copy so you can personalize it for your needs). If you have students who will not have access for the duration of the exam, work with your department chair to find access alternatives.