WorkflowGen: Understand How Grouper Manages User Access

Grouper is a tool that enables departments to create and manage groups in both the Customer Development instance (CDEV) and the production instance (PRD) of WorkflowGen.

Grouper has two branches for WorkflowGen: CDEV and PRD. It is important that the structure between the two branches is identical for each process to be moved into production. For example:

  • If there is a CDEV group: umn:workflowgen:cdev:oit:process1:requester, then there must also be a PRD group: umn:workflowgen:prd:oit:process1:requester

NOTE: Once a group has been created in Grouper AND it is used in a process in WorkflowGen, the name of the group should not be changed. If it is changed, then participants will no longer be able to access their associated tasks in the form.

NOTE: After being added to a Grouper group, it can take up to 24 hours to access the associated WorkflowGen forms.

Access to Grouper 

Access to Grouper is available to anyone at the University who has an Duo Two-Factor Authentication setup. This is required because Grouper has access to suppressed data. Without the Duo Two-Factor Authentication, there is no means to limit access to individual IDs, causing a security risk. For more information see, Duo Security Two-Factor Authentication.

Additional Grouper Functions

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