Training Hub: Set up a Canvas Course Site to Report Learner Completion

If you have configured a Training Hub course section to have a Canvas delivery method and it is set to Canvas Reports Completion, you will need to configure the Canvas course so that the completions are reported back to the learner's Training Hub transcript.

the delivery method section of a training hub course configuration showing cavnvas selected and the canvas reports completion option

There are many different ways that a Canvas course could be configured, depending on how much content there is and the requirements of viewing and completing the content.

These instructions assume that there is one module that holds the training content, and the learner must complete it before they can report the completion to Training Hub.

Adding completion requirements to the training module(s)

  1. Log in to the Canvas course site
  2. Click Modules in the navigation bar on the left
  3. Click the Edit Module button for the training module. The edit module settings dialog box is displayed.
    the canvas module with the edit module button highlighted
    1. Click Add Requirement. The requirements section expands.
      1. The default option Students must complete all of these requirements should be sufficient for most basic courses
      2. Canvas support has more information about module requirements.
    2. Click Update Module

Adding a new module and adding the Complete Course external tool

  1. Click the new module button. The Add Module dialog box is displayed.
    1. Enter a name for the module.
    2. Click Add Prerequisite.
    3. Select the module the learner must finish before they can complete the Canvas course
      the add module dialog box with the prerequisite set to the module that needs to be completed
    4. Click Add Module. The dialog box closes and the list of modules is displayed.
  2. Click the [+] button to add an item to the module. The Add Item to <module name> is displayed.
    1. Select Add: External Tool at the top.
    2. Select Complete Course.
    3. Click Add Item.
      the add item dialog box with external tool selected at the top and the complete course item highlighted.
  3. Click the Publish button for both the module and the Complete Course tool.
    the module in the canvas site with the publish button highlighted

Testing the completion module

In the Canvas course site, click the Student View button. This allows you to "see" the course as if you were a participant.

The Complete Course should not be available until the requirements for the other modules are completed.

If you need to change something in the site, click the Reset Student button and then click the Leave Student View button. This will ensure that no session settings are retained for the student view.
the buttons at the bottom of the screen when the student view is enabled.


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