
The People Search application is limited to the University network. This is part of ongoing efforts to improve information security and help protect the privacy of students, faculty, and staff at the University. This is an  internal directory that enables University users to look up contact information for faculty, staff, and students.

Basic information, including name, email address, and college or unit is available through this lookup service. Directory entries are tied to University Internet IDs and can be changed to include only information that you wish to have available in the directory search. 

Members of the public can visit departments' web pages or contact Technology Help for contact information for a specific University member.


  • Facilitates a quick lookup of University students, staff, and faculty contact information.
  • For Students: There is a Directory suppression tool for students to manage what directory information is publicly available.
  • For Staff and Faculty: Personal Contact information is suppressed by default. But other University contact information is considered public knowledge and must remain available except under extenuating circumstances. To suppress further information from the directory, contact your Human Resources Representative.