Zoom: Use Zoom Notes

Zoom Notes is a Word Processing tool from Zoom that cleanly integrates into your in-meeting experience. 

Notes can be: 

  • viewed and accessed in and out of meetings.
  • edited in real-time by meeting participants
  • attached to recurring meetings. 

In this article:

Using Zoom Notes

If you are in a meeting and wish to create a new Zoom Note:

  1. From your meeting, select the Notes button on the bottom control bar. Notes open on the right of the meeting.
    Zoom control bar. Notes highlighted.
  2. Select New or New Note in the upper-right or the middle of the Notes tab.
    Zoom notes tab. New note highlighted.

Sharing Notes in the Meeting

When you are in a Zoom meeting and are taking notes, you may wish to share them with the group for viewing or collaboration purposes. 

Sharing a note is similar to sharing your screen or a poll within a meeting: the shared notes will appear for other participants until you choose to stop. You can share note details for other participants to view and edit, and you may stop sharing at any time.

  1. Select the blue share arrow in the upper right of the Note.
    Zoom notes share arrow selected.
  2. Sharing options appear. Under Share with Meeting Collaborators select Share to Meeting.
    Zoom share note. Share to meeting highlighted.
  3. Choose the desired sharing access:
    • Collaborating: Meeting participants may edit the notes
    • Viewing: Meeting participants may view the notes
  4. Select Share Note. Meeting participants can now view or edit your Notes.
  5. To stop sharing your notes, select the red Stop box.
    Zoom notes. Stop sharing highlighted.

Accessing Past Meeting Notes

To reference back to the notes you took in a past meeting:

  1. Log into zoom.umn.edu and select the Notes tab on the left-hand Navigation menu. 
  2. The Notes tab displays a list of all notes you've taken from previous meetings. Notes default to being named after the meeting title.
  3. Select the desired note.

Downloading an Offline Copy of Your Notes

You may wish to download a copy of meeting notes.

Note: Currently PDF is the only available download file type.

To download:

  1. Log into zoom.umn.edu and select the Notes tab on the left-hand Navigation menu. 
  2. The Notes tab displays a list of all notes you've taken from previous meetings. Notes default to being named after the meeting title.
    1. Select the desired note. 
  3. Select the three vertical dots in the upper left-hand corner to reveal a dropdown menu.
    1. Select Export PDF.
      Zoom meeting, vertical "more" dots highlighted and expanded. Export PDF highlighted.

Deleting Zoom Notes

You may delete Notes during or after meetings.

To delete a note in the meeting:

  1. Select the Notes icon.
  2. Find the note you wish to delete.
  3. Expand the three horizontal dots and select Move to Trash.
    In-meeting notes. "more" horizontal dots highlighted and expanded. Move to trash highlighted.

To delete a note after a meeting:

  1. Log into zoom.umn.edu and select the Notes tab on the left-hand Navigation menu. 
  2. The Notes tab displays a list of all notes you've taken from previous meetings. Notes default to being named after the meeting title.
  3. Select the three horizontal dots to the right of the meeting.
  4. Select Move to Trash.
    Zoom Portal, Notes tab, "more" horizontal dots expanded. Move to trash highlighted.

Recovering or Removing Deleted Notes

Zoom Notes are retained for 30 days following deletion. The Trash tab displays the remaining days until permanent deletion. You may recover or permanently delete them.

To modify a previously deleted note:

  1. Log into http://zoom.umn.edu and select the Notes tab on the left-hand navigation menu. 
  2. Select the Trash tab at the top.
  3. Select the three horizontal dots to the right of the desired note.
    1. Choose Recover or Delete Forever

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