The definitions below are specific to the University of Minnesota CRM for Recruitment which is used to manage data and interactions for potential students during the recruitment process for Admissions offices at all campuses.
Activity - an action taken by a staff member that is tracked. Examples: call, appointment, email.
Application Program - An application for admission stored in PeopleSoft.
Article - A knowledge base article that can be displayed on a public website and is searchable. Can also be viewed internally by users.
Bios - a biographical record about the prospective student. The most typical is a record about a high school or other college attended. The user can also create records capturing athletics, awards, employment, and membership.
Campaign - a list of contacts targeted for a certain action, normally a communication such as email, phone or mailing. Contacts assigned to a Campaign are called Campaign Members.
Case - A question or issue that needs to be resolved. Can be submitted from a public web page or by sending an email to an email-to-case email address. Can also be logged by a SF user, which means it can be a documentation of a phone call, letter, or email to a personal email address.
Chatter - Salesforce internal chat which can notify other users of your questions or comments. Supports groups and topics.
Communities - Not deployed yet in the U of M Recruitment app. A way for people without licenses to interact with the system.
Contact - a person. Examples: Potential student, Admitted Student, Person who works for the University, Counselor at a high school.
Caller outreach - a feature of the Admissions Product which allows for or external (via portal) user to select from a list of students who have been targeted for calling from a list and log the call. Lists of students are compiled using Campaign assignments and groups of users are assigned to call for the Campaign via Caller Groups.
Conga Composer - Software extension to Salesforce used to create letters, reports and documents merged with data from SalesForce which can be saved as documents or pdfs.
Dashboard - a single page showing a graphical presentation of the current status of key performance indicators to enable management decisions.
DupeBlocker - An installed package that aids in identifying and merging duplicate records.
Email Template - a pre-created email format that can be used in different parts of the application when sending an email.
Event - a one time occurrence that happens in a specific location with a specific budget. With the new addition of the UMN Events App may also refer to a Visit record type.
Event Attendee - a record indicating that a student has registered to attend an event or visit.
Event Attendee Session - a session related to an event or visit.
Event Series - A parent event that acts and an umbrella for multiple child events such as "STEM high achievers night" which is offered on three different nights. Each night be on a different single event record with a lookup to the parent record.
Inquiry - A record for a student to indicate their interest. For example, a Royall record, CAPPEX, College Fair, or an RFI web page submission. In a very general sense, a student submitting their test scores to the U is also an inquiry, because they are indicating their interest in the U of M. Inquiries only allow a single source per file.
Interest grade - An assessment made of the prospect student's interest based on interaction with a staff member. Can be done within the context of campaigns, or at any time.
Knowledge Base - A set of articles that answer common questions.
Lists/Campaigns - A plan to gather a set of contact who have a specific set of characteristics and present them with a message or information. This information can be presented via emails or phone calls.
Notes - A brief record of observations, facts, topics, notes intended as a memory aid.
Object - An object allows you to store information in your Salesforce organization. The object is the overall definition of the type of information you are storing. For example, the Case object allows you to store information regarding customer inquiries. For each object, your organization will have multiple records that store the information about specific instances of that type of data. For example, you might have a Case record to store the information about Joe Smith's requirements inquiry and another case record to store the information about Mary Johnson's requested visit.
Organization - In the Recruitment application, organization is used to separate two sets of functionality. Contact records with an organization of UMNTC or UMN each have a different set of functionality.
Profile - A profile defines a user's permission to perform different functions within Salesforce.
Prospect - A person engaged in two-way communication with an admissions office. Someone who has sent us an inquiry, a visit request, a test score, or a case.
Query builder and Auto-Refresh - A feature of the Admissions Product which allows for the creation of reusable contact/prospect queries to select a subset of records from One or more query can be assigned to a campaign to generate the list of targets (Campaign Members) for that campaign. Auto-refresh allows for the scheduled refresh of the Campaign's targets based on the queries assigned to the Campaign.
Record - A single instance of a Salesforce Object. For example, "John Jones" might be the name of a Contact record.
Recruitment Category - A code that means something to the campus that assigned. This allows the campus users to query on different prospect criteria that they like to use in their recruiting process. Examples of this would be first generation college students, high achieving students, or athletes.
Relationship - A database lookup between two different records.
Relationship summary - A pop-up page that shows everything that has happened around the contact in Included: Case, Case Comment, Task, Event, Visit, Campaign Member, Application Program, Test Score, Inquiry, etc. The form is interactive. The user can filter for certain actions or date ranges.
Report - A list of records that meet a specific set of criteria.
Role - A role controls the level of visibility that users have into an organization's data.
ScreenSteps Live - How-to guides accessible from the left nav.
Silverpop - Email marketing provider.
Suspect - A person who receives communications from an admissions office. Typically, the admissions office has purchased a list of suspects from a vendor. Once the person responds by asking a question, scheduling a visit, applying, or submitting test scores, the suspect record is deactivated and prospect record is created.
Territory - Usually a geographical area defined by the schools located within it.
Territory Manager - Person responsible for recruiting students who attended the schools in a territory.
Test Score - Score from a standard test provider. Currently: ACT, SAT, TOEFL, AP.
User - A person with a SalesForce license. This implies that the person has an account, a profile, permission sets, a role in the hierarchy.
Visit - A repeated or repeatable event that can have many potential days scheduled as determined by the admissions office. Examples: Admitted Student Day for Morris or CLA Visit for Twin Cities. Added through the UMN Events App as an Event with a record type of Visit.