Kaltura: Share Media Migrated from Media Mill

Media Mill content was copied to Kaltura in early 2019 and the Media Mill application was retired on December 31, 2020. This article explains how you can share media that was copied from Media Mill into Kaltura.

In this article:

Share a Media Mill Recording Using Kaltura MediaSpace

Find Your Media Mill Recording in Kaltura MediaSpace

  1. Go to MediaSpace and log in.
  2. Under My Media, search for "auto-copied from media mill during winter break 2018" (include the quotation marks) and select the return or enter key.
  3. Select the desired media item from the resulting list.

Share Your Recording Publicly

In order to share your recording publicly, you will need to change the publishing settings to Unlisted. This setting allows anyone with the link to view it.

  1. On the media page, from the Actions menu, select Publish.
  2. Under Publishing Status, select Unlisted.
  3. Select Save.

Create a Z Link to a Media Item

If you want your media to be reachable from one web address for a long time, create a link to it using z.umn.edu. You can share the created Z link and can update the destination for the link if needed in the future.

  1. In your web browser, copy the page address (e.g. https://mediaspace.umn.edu/media/0_0kdnvs2q).
  2. Go to z.umn.edu and sign in. Under Shorten your link, in the Destination URL, paste the copied address from step 1.
    • Optional: Enter a keyword.
  3. Select Z-Link It.
  4. Select Copy to add it to your computer's clipboard.
  5. Paste the Z link into a public web page of your choosing.

Share a Media Mill Recording Using Kaltura in Canvas

Since Kaltura integrates with Canvas, it is relatively easy to post content that was housed in Media Mill to Canvas courses.

Sharing a Media Mill Recording in a Canvas course Media Gallery

  1. Follow the steps in Canvas: Add Kaltura Videos to Media Galleries.
  2. Under Adding Videos to Kaltura Media Galleries, step 3, when on the Add Media page, in the Search My Media box enter "auto-copied from media mill during winter break 2018" (include the quotation marks), then select the return or enter key. This will show all media to which you have access that was copied from Media Mill into Kaltura.
    • Use Sort By to reorder the listing.
  3. Select the checkbox to the left of the item you want to publish to the Media Gallery,
  4. Select Publish.

Sharing a Media Mill Recording on a Canvas page, discussion, etc.

  1. Follow the steps in Canvas: Add Media Using Kaltura with the Rich Content Editor.
  2. Under Embedding Media Already Uploaded to Your Kaltura My Media Library, select More Media Options to open your My Media library.
    1. In the Search My Media box, enter "auto-copied from media mill during winter break 2018" (include the quotation marks), then select the return or enter key. This will show all media to which you have access that was copied from Media Mill into Kaltura. Use Sort By to reorder the listing.
  3. Select </> Embed next to that recording. The Embed Media from Kaltura window will close and the recording will appear in the Rich Content Editor window.
  4. Select Save.

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