Drupal: Grant OIT access to your code repository

The following instructions are for OIT Drupal websites that want to use a custom code repository.

In order for changes to your GitHub repository to be reflected on your Drupal site, the OIT Drupal admin account (drupa001) requires, at minimum, read access to the code repository. You can do this by making the repository public, or keeping it private but granting drupa001 access to it.


  • Public repositories are not visible to anyone who does not have UMN Active Directory access in the github.umn.edu Github Enterprise server but will be visible to non-UMN users in Github Enterprise Cloud.
  • The OIT Drupal platform does not currently support site owners storing their site repositories on the UMN Github Cloud instance. We will send an announcement to our Drupal Enterprise Platform Google Group when that option becomes available. Presently, site owners must store their site repositories in the University On-Premise instance Github.umn.edu.

Make Repository Public

Personally Owned

Organization Owned

Keep Repository Private

Personally Owned

Organization Owned

Make Repository Public

Personally Owned

  1. Login to github.umn.edu

  2. Click on the drop-down box with your internet ID on it and select "Your repositories"

  3. Click on the repository you want to share

  4. Click on "Settings"

  5. Click on "Options"

  6. Scroll to the bottom to the section "Danger Zone" and select "Change Visibility"

  7. Set to "Make public" and complete the prompt as directed and the click "I understand, change repository visibility"

Organization Owned

Note: If your organization owns several repositories, it is easier to add the OIT admin account to the organization rather than make individual repositories public. Additionally, within an organization, you can also create teams and delegate access to them. You can read more about that at GitHub's website.

  1. Login to github.umn.edu

  2. Click on the drop-down box with your internet ID on it and select "Your organizations"

  3. Click on the organization that owns the repository you want to use

  4. Click on "Repositories"

  5. Click on "Settings"

  6. Click on "Options"

  7. Scroll to the bottom to the section "Danger Zone" and select "Change Visibility"

  8. Set to "Make public" and complete the prompt as directed and the click "I understand, change repository visibility"

Keep Repository Private

Personally Owned

  1. Login to github.umn.edu

  2. Click on the drop-down box with your internet ID on it and select "Your repositories"

  3. Click on the repository you want to share

  4. Click on "Settings"

  5. Click on "Collaborators"

  6. Enter in drupa001, click on the name in the drop-down box and then click "Add collaborator"

Organization Owned

  1. Login to github.umn.edu

  2. Click on the drop-down box with your internet ID on it and select "Your organizations"

  3. Click on the organization that owns the repository you want to use

  4. Click on "People"

  5. Click on "Add member"

  6. Enter in drupa001, click on the name in the drop-down box and then click "Add"

  7. Grant either role ("Member" or "Owner", either grants the needed access) and then select "Add member"


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