Canvas: Transition Quizzes from Proctorio to Honorlock

These instructions are for instructors who have previously used Proctorio for online exam proctoring and are getting ready to use Honorlock in a course. Important: you must undo the Proctorio settings of each Quiz before enabling Honorlock.

Transitioning Quizzes from Proctorio to Honorlock

To complete these steps, you will need to begin working in:

  • A Chrome browser that has the Proctorio extension enabled. 
  • A Canvas course that has Secure Exam Proctor in the Canvas course navigation.
  1. Go to the Canvas Quiz that has Proctorio exam proctoring set up.
  2. Select Edit for that quiz.
  3. Scroll down the page to the Proctorio settings and remove the check mark in the checkbox next to Enable Proctorio Secure Exam Settings.
    Quiz Restriction settings in a Canvas Quiz with Enable Proctorio Secure Exam Proctor box checked
    • The Quiz Restrictions menu will update to show that Proctorio is no longer enabled on the Quiz and that no access code is required.
      Quiz Restriction settings in a Canvas Quiz with the Enable Proctorio Exam Proctor box unchecked
  4. Select the Save button for the Quiz.
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 for every all quizzes that use Proctorio.
  6. After you are done taking off Proctorio Secure Exam Proctor setting for all applicable quizzes, disable Secure Exam Proctor from the Canvas course navigation:
    • Select Settings in the course navigation.
    • Select the Navigation tab.
    • Disable Secure Exam Proctor by dragging and dropping it to the bottom of the page or by clicking on the 3-dot ellipses and selecting Disable.
    • Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Save.
  7. Remove the Proctorio extension from your Chrome browser:
    • Click on the 3-dot ellipses next to your profile picture in the top, right-hand corner of the Chrome browser.
    • Select Extensions from the dropdown menu.
    • Select Manage Extensions from the dropdown sub menu. 
    • Find the extension called Secure Exam Proctor and select Remove
    • A pop-up box will ask if you really want to remove the extension. Select Remove
  8. Go back to the Canvas site and enable Honorlock in the course navigation:
    • Select Settings in the course navigation.
    • Select the Navigation tab.
    • Scroll down the list to find Honorlock.
    • Select the three-dot icon to the right of the tool name and choose Enable.
    • Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Save.
  9. Navigate to Honorlock 1.3 in the course navigation menu.
  10. Find the name of the Quiz in the listed assessments and select the Enable button to the right of the quiz you want to use Honorlock with. 
  11. Proceed with step 3 in Using Honorlock with Canvas to begin setting up the proctoring options with the exam. 

Important Notes

Additional Resources

Use these student-specific resources to help test takers use the tool:

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