The University is transitioning from Google Docs Cloud Assignments to Google Assignments (LTI 1.3) and from Google Drive 1.1 to Google Drive (LTI 1.3) to maintain information security. Both new tools were installed in April, running alongside the older ones. The new tools come with a cleaner interface and a few new features. Changes to the user experience will begin May 21:
- Google Assignments (LTI 1.3) and Google Drive (LTI 1.3) will become the only ways to create Cloud Assignments and link Google files to Canvas courses, and
- Students will have access only to the new Google Assignments (LTI 1.3) integration for submitting assignments.
On August 1, the older tools will be removed.
Action Required before Fall 2024
If you use Google Cloud assignments, you will need to recreate them to prepare for Fall Semester 2024. Also, if you have used the Rich Content Editor to embed or link documents into your pages, assignments, or discussions, you will have to re-embed them. And if you link course materials into your Modules using the +Add tool, you will have to re-select them using Google Drive (LTI 1.3). Note that student assignments submitted using the decommissioned tools will still be viewable in SpeedGrader.
Here are instructions for transitioning to Google Assignment in your course to prepare for Fall 2024:
- Google Apps Cloud Assignments
- Google Drive (LTI 1.1) embedded documents
- Google Drive (LTI 1.1) Module links
Transition old Google Docs Cloud Assignments to Google Assignments (LTI 1.3)
- Before you start, enable pop-ups in Chrome for Canvas.
- Chrome instructions (recommended)
- Firefox instructions
- Safari instructions
- Go to Assignments.
- Next to the assignment you want to update, find the 3-dot kebab menu and select Edit.
- Choose More Options.
- Go to Submission Type: External Tool and click Find.
- In the Configure External Tool window, choose Google Assignments (LTI 1.3).
- In the Link Resource from External Tool window that opens up, you will be asked to link your Google account to Google Assignments (LTI 1.3), click Link.
- A pop-up will appear; click Link again. (The next time you link a resource, the button will say "Continue.")
- At the top of the Create a Google assignment window that appears after you're linked, you will be given the opportunity to turn on the plagiarism checker. Do not choose that for now. It's only available for five (5) assignments per course, and we don't have much information about it yet. When enabled, it will check a submission against pages accessible by Google Search and Google Books. It will not check against other work submitted by the student.
- Click Attach to select a file from your Google Drive to create a Google Assignment.
- Navigate in your Google Drive to the file you want and choose Add.
- Next, you will be asked to choose between grading with Google and grading with Canvas SpeedGrader. Choose to grade with Canvas SpeedGrader because:
- Google grading will ignore Canvas grade-posting policies
- Google will also ignore any notification settings the students have set and immediately send grades to students
- Google will link live Google files, allowing the possibility that students may change them after submission
- SpeedGrader will take a snapshot of the assignment file that can't be altered by the student
- SpeedGrader will work as you are accustomed to it working
- SpeedGrader will work as you are accustomed to it working
- Click Create button at the bottom right.
- In your Canvas Assignment, click Select.
- Click Save.
Note: Once your Google account is linked to Google Assignments (LTI 1.3), teachers will find an Assignments folder at the top level of their Google Drive. Inside that is a folder for each course, and inside that is a folder for the student submissions and a template folder with a copy of the original file in it. Your original file remains in its original folder.
Transition old Google Drive embedded documents Google Drive 1.3
- Go to the page, assignment, or discussion where your document is embedded and click Edit to open the Rich Content Editor (RCE).
- Note the name and location of the document you need to re-embed and then delete it from the page
- After May 21, you will be able to click the Google Drive icon on the RCE toolbar. Before May 21, click on the Apps icon and choose View All.
- In View All, choose Google Drive (LTI 1.3).
- Click Select File.
- In the Insert Files Using Google Drive window that appears, choose the file you want to embed.
- Click Add.
- Click Attach.
- On your Canvas page, click Save.
Transition old Google Drive Module links to Google Drive 1.3
- Go to Modules.
- Find the Google link you want to update and take note of the file location.
- Using the + at the top of the module, the Add Item window and select External Tool from the drop-down menu.
- Choose Google Assignments (LTI 1.3).
- Click Add Item.
- In the Link Resource from External Tool window that appears, click Select file.
- Click Add Item.
- In the Link Resource from External Tool window that appears, click Select file.
- Navigate in your Google Drive to the file you want to link to. Choose Add. Note that with Google Drive 1.3, you are able to choose a file from a Shared Folder.
- Click Attach.
- Click Add Item.
- Delete your old link from the Module.