June 17 - Change to Anti-Virus Software on Mac Devices

Planned change: Anti-Virus Software On Mac Devices

On Wednesday, June 17, the Office of Information Technology is making a change to the configuration of SentinelOne, the endpoint protection (anti-virus) software for centrally-supported Mac devices. We are moving from detect mode to protection mode to provide further security measures for University-owned and managed devices. No action is required by this change.

Note: SentinelOne is automatically installed on all centrally-supported Macs. You do not have to manually install SentinelOne if you use a centrally-supported device.

Change Details

Once protection mode is enabled, and a threat is detected on your device, SentinelOne will stop the process and quarantine it to prevent it from infecting the device. We strongly recommend turning on notifications for SentinelOne to ensure you are alerted if there are items in quarantine (see instructions below). 

If you notice that an application or program on your device isn’t working as expected, and you suspect a virus/malware, or if you have any questions about this change contact Technology Help.

Turn on Notifications for SentinelOne

To ensure your notifications are turned on for SentinelOne, follow these instructions from Apple to customize alerts. Note: SentinelOne will appear in the left-hand column of the notification center as SentinelAgent.