Jadu CXM: Map Jadu Form Process

You can take your business process diagram and add in XFP and CXM steps. This helps you to figure out how your CXM workflow will work.

Mapping Your Jadu Form Process

  1. Take your current business process diagram and add in XFP and CXM steps, removing any steps that are currently  completed manually.
  2. Use your business process to:
    • Identify your Statuses (Pending Approval, Complete, Cancelled, etc.)
    • Identify your Transitions (Received, Approved, etc.)
    • Determine Routing requirements
    • Review any rules that you may use
      • Send an email alert
      • Auto-cancel case
  3. Archive the business process document map in order to:
    • Teach other team members your workflow build
    • Remind your team of choices made

Process Map Example

Sample process map. Swim lanes: End users, XFP, and CXM. Flow map shows requester submitting a form in XFP, which sends an email confirmation and opens a case in CXM. Status: pending approval. Option to cancel case by form builders. End-user approver opens approve request form in XFP. Decision edits and transitions CXM case to complete status and send email to fulfillment team.

Process map legend. Solid arrows shows user action. dotted arrow shows system action

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