Jadu CXM: Global CXM Fields

Global fields are CXM fields available to all categories and case types in CXM and should be used when applicable. Global fields in CXM store data pushed to the CXM environment upon XFP form submission. CXM field data can then be pulled onto subsequent XFP forms.

Review the linked Global CXM field spreadsheet for an up-to-date list of fields available for all case types to use. CXM fields are not visible to end users and therefore CXM field labels do not need to match exactly with Jadu XFP form fields. They are used by formbuilders when mapping XFP to CXM within action templates.

When creating your CXM forms, you add fields for all data you would like to carry from XFP form to XFP form.

Cxm environment, form fields tab with sample fields Requested by and Requested by - email.

The fields you select within the CXM environment are used in action templates, matching up with corresponding XFP form fields.

XFP environment, action templates section. Sample create case template with CXM fields Requested by, requested by email; xfp form fields requester name and requester email.

Note: Category-specific fields can be created upon request. To learn more about how to determine additional field needs please go to Identify XFP Fields to Retain and Put Into CXM.

Available Columns to Add/Remove from Case List

Columns: case type, requested by, requested for, submitted on, status

Viewing Submitted Cases using Case List View

CXM Submitted cases page. In header bar, Case type, requested by, submitted on, status highlighted

The Requested By and Requested For (if populated) display in the case ribbon at the top of the submitted case.

Example case with Requested By information highlighted

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